A True Mama Bear <3
Created by Sophia 2 years ago
Thank you mama for blessing us with your beautiful daughter, Anna. Through Anna we were blessed with you too! You were caring, loving and always welcoming! And ALWAYS feeding!! from piling us with snacks, food and drinks to take home, to trays and trays of jollof (the best jollof!). You treated us like family and Isabelle will never forget getting into bed with you for cuddles and sneaky kit kats!!!!. You radiated warmth and positive energy, the most beautiful smile. And my fave - you teamed up with me and Anna when telling Russ off for his ways.. (like buying a £25 teddy)! We will miss you dearly and know Your legacy will carry through. We will think of you always and we will look after and continue to love the second pea to your pod forever and always. We love you mama bear xxx